Monsoon Wind damage at AVQ

A strong outflow blast came through OV last evening from the NE moving SW and carried on over to Marana.  I went over to AVQ this morning to check on my plane and found a 172 that is used extensively for training hadn’t been tied down (by the last student the day before).  There was a chalk around the left wheel, so the blast from the left side swung the nose to the left causing the right wing to strike a shadeport support I-beam, causing significant damage to the right wing leading edge.  Mike Matthews is the owner and flight instructor.  I saw his car was parked at his office on the other end of a hangar and assumed he didn’t know about what had happened.  I walked down and told him about it and we walked out there together and he was very surprised.  He swung the tail around and tied the plane down.  This will put him out of flight training business for probably a couple weeks.  Being in the flight training business for many years, he said this was a first for something like this.  He said the student had been flying for quite some time and he assumed the student must have been distracted and forgot the tie down chains.  He said student gap insurance will cover the repairs.  It appears the damage was between ribs, so it might not need more than reskinned, but they won’t know until the skin is removed.